WWE Stone Cold Said So | Watch Online | Download
Contrary to what most people assume, this is not a brand-new release by the WWE. Rather, it's a 2003 re-release (on DVD) of a 1998 VHS tape of the same name. On this disc, hosted by "Stone Cold" Steve Austin himself, you'll find highlights of his first two years in the WWE. It includes his King of the Ring 1996 transformation to the bada$$ he is today. It also highlights some of his greatest disses, "a$$-whoopins", and matches before late 1997. Also, it makes note of some of his greatest feuds, with the likes of Brian Pillman, Vader and Bret "The Hitman" Hart. If you own this original release, I don't suggest you pick it up. It is absolutely no different than the original version.
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