Results Smackdown 18/03/2011

Thanks to Morgan H. for the following WWE SmackDown tapings from tonight’s show in Kansas City, airing this Friday night on SyFy:
* Edge defeated Brodus Clay with the spear in the opening match. Alberto Del Ri came out after the match and beat Edge down. Christian made the save. Teddy Long came out and announced Del Rio vs. Christian in a cage match tonight.(Watch WWE Smackdown for free)
* WWE US Champion Sheamus beat WWE IC Champion Kofi Kingston with the Brogue kick.
* Backstage segment with Kane and Big Show trying to chokeslam each other.
* Cody Rhodes with new theme music beats Trent Baretta in a quick match.
* Layla defeated Kelly Kelly. Michelle McCool was on commentary and distracted Kelly to help Layla get the win.
* Big Show and Kane vs. Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater for the WWE Tag Team Titles is up next. Big Show and Kane win by DQ then get beatdown by The Corre after the match.
* Jack Swagger beats Chris Masters with the ankle lock. After the match, Michael Cole comes out of his cube and put the ankle lock on Masters.
* Rey Mysterio beat Ted DiBiase with 619.
* Christian beat Alberto Del Rio in a steel cage match that was said to be a great main event. Christian won by escaping the cage. Edge came out afterward in Del Rio’s car and threatened to destroy it. Brodus Clay made the save and Del Rio helped him beat Edge down and hit a double chairshot to his arm.(Watch WWE Smackdown for free)

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